MSN: Mark.P0rter AT hotmail.com

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MarkP0rter's News

Posted by MarkP0rter - February 15th, 2008

in case you are reading this and you happen to be American you might be stupid. In case you are American and you aren't stupid you will find this to be pretty entertaining.
in case you aren't American I'm certain you'll get your kicks out of this video.

Anyways if you are American and I got your attention because of the title and managed to insult you then there is no doubt you are stupid. Oh noes some random dude on the internet claims Americans are stupid because of a shitload of videos he has seen where yanks say dumb stuff. Go and cry me a river and watch this video. Angry comments by 14 years old kids are very welcome.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANTDkfk oBaI

americans are stupid

Posted by MarkP0rter - January 27th, 2008

If you've read my past news posts you've noticed how often people block me. I'm not even trying to insult people or make them block me. I'm not even trying to be rude. It just happens and I never see it coming. It's just impressive most people didn't grow a pair of balls yet. This is the Internet so learn to deal with it, please.
Here is my latest conversation which ends with me getting blocked.

MarkP0rter: whats up with people who are PRO Confederates?
MarkP0rter: overall the Confederates were the "bad guys" and they lost the war
sunskyandwater: exatly!
MarkP0rter: i mean whats the matter with people owning the Confederate National Flag
sunskyandwater: on halloween, intsead of putting zombies and ghosts in the front yard, i put confederates
sunskyandwater: lol
MarkP0rter: or i mean Robert E. Lee High School how the hell can they name a school after him? its not like there is an Adolf Hitler High School or something. im not saying Robert E. Lee was as evil as Hitler or evil at all but he remains a general of the Confederate forces
sunskyandwater: i think there is a high school named hitler high, its in. . .guess
sunskyandwater: germany
MarkP0rter: certainly NOT
MarkP0rter: i was going to say its not like germany has something like hitler high
MarkP0rter: i mean
MarkP0rter: geezt
sunskyandwater: seriously!!!!
MarkP0rter: of course there ISNT
MarkP0rter: seriously NOT
MarkP0rter: stop being so...american
sunskyandwater: gasp! how'd you know!? *looks around nervously&*
sunskyandwater: are you canadian or something?
MarkP0rter: im sorry to tell you but i just dont make up such retarded statments
MarkP0rter: germany hates hitler
MarkP0rter: and they do everything against him
MarkP0rter: so of course you will not find a hitler high in germany
MarkP0rter: it would probably be the worst thing to happen to germany
MarkP0rter: what i am saying
MarkP0rter: a bunch of americans are pretty retarded and know nothing about different countries
sunskyandwater: I was effing joking!! gawd!! freak!!
MarkP0rter: when i say dont act american it means dont be so foolish and ignorant
MarkP0rter: i might be
MarkP0rter: but i am having a point here
MarkP0rter: therefore logic wins

*** "sunskyandwater" signed off at Sun Jan 27

I've got blocked #45613

Posted by MarkP0rter - January 19th, 2008

I'm currently working on my latest flash movie. In one scene I wanted to animate Tom Fulp and his wife April. I wanted to replace his wife with April O'Neil but then I cant find any good pictures of April O'Neil on the Internet and nobody would get the joke and just think it was a random girl or I suck at drawing his wife.

Anyways I've stumbled upon this page with TMNT comic book covers and they are all worth checking out http://www.thetechnodrome.com/comics/a rchie_specials/archie_specials.shtml

I can't stop laughing about how bad they are. It makes me wonder if comics back then just sucked in general. Couldn't they hire any good artists or why do those covers look so awful?

http://www.thetechnodrome.com/comics/a rchie_specials/tmnt_special_4.jpg

Looks just plain terrible for example but then I guess they hired the artist because he had a FRESH and WILD and CRAAAAAAAAAAAZY style...oh yeh those wacky days.

Just check out the covers if you need to have a good laugh
http://www.thetechnodrome.com/comics/a rchie_specials/tmnt_special_6.jpg

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Comics

Posted by MarkP0rter - November 21st, 2007

[21:58] Monkeyman!!: Haha,oh man i forgot about these flash movies
[21:58] Monkeyman!!: wait...i'll link ya
[21:59] Monkeyman!!: http://www.esnips.com/doc/826e8c4e-050 0-492a-bc22-42d8f96cbcc8/its
[21:59] Monkeyman!!: my brother's stuff
[22:00] Monkeyman!!: crazy

[22:00] Monkeyman!!: http://www.esnips.com/doc/983f8a39-26e 7-49db-b804-c1f56bff4f49/cave-of-shity
[22:00] Mark: lol
[22:00] Mark: i was gonig to say he should rather switch to flash
[22:01] Mark: instead of doing gifs
[22:01] Mark: but those are in fact flash movies
[22:01] Mark: he should waste 20 minutes of his life reading a flash tutorial
[22:02] Monkeyman!!: no,you should spend 20 of your pathetic life,learning what TO and what NOT to say,FUCK OFF
[22:02] *** "Monkeyman!!" signed off at Wed Nov 21 22:02:32 2007.
[22:02] *** One or more messages may have been undeliverable.
[22:02] Mark: this was never supposed to be mean

Posted by MarkP0rter - November 18th, 2007

I really need a new computer. If you had the money to buy ANY PC what exactly would you get?

I was just drawing this really nice picture and was thinking to myself "oh I haven't saved this one yet. I better should before my PC crashes" - in this very moment my PC froze in and forced me to reboot it. DAMN!

What else is new?

I went to the hairdresser today and got a new haircut! This is a special event since it only happens once each season. I showed her a picture of Hideo Kojima on my PSP and said "This is my HAIR-HERO! I would love to get his haircut".

I'm also thinking about doing a new episode of Mark Porter's Point of View. I already wrote a script and recorded some samples. If you haven't seen Mark Porter's Point of View yet watch it on Youtube http://youtube.com/watch?v=rBRiXMF1W5Y or Newgrounds http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/

Since journal posts without pictures are boring I give you some cat drawing I've done.


I want a new PC- Got any suggestions? and other stuff

Posted by MarkP0rter - November 11th, 2007

Alright I just tricked you with the title (which worked well) now you get the treat to watch my Halloween Movie "Spooky Wookiee Gwar"

Enjoy it like Andrew Kepple, Slintas and ZekeySpaceyLizard did.

Animated couple SEX- ADULTS ONLY! Kinky shit.

Posted by MarkP0rter - October 15th, 2007

Go to youtube and watch Ugly Kid Joe - Cats In The Cradle. Why?
Two reasons:

1) It's a beautiful song
2) 3:05 is fucking worth it

I just felt like listening to the song and singing along to the lyrics until 3:05 I fall out of my laughing out loud. This is just SO fucking random and bloody hilarious. Watch Ugly Kid Joe - Cats In The Cradle on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3bht7S -3vI and wait until 3:05 OR skip forward to 3:05. Still it's just pretty funny in my opinion.

Of course I could also just post a screenshot but then it wouldn't be such a surprise anymore. It's just funny because it feels so random and it feels so WRONG. It doesn't belong into this video but then I guess you can also make me laugh very easily. Out of 20 people 15 could laugh about this so doesn't matter if you are like "I don't get it". I just felt like sharing it with people and if you think like those 15 people you will laugh about this, too.

And here is some laughing cat for you I did for the people who hate TEXT.

Cats In The Cradle- Dog In The Pool and I loled

Posted by MarkP0rter - September 26th, 2007

I finished a new movie where I animated forum threads I have found on Deviant Art. I hope you enjoy the movie http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/

Making fun of Deviant Art (movie)

Posted by MarkP0rter - September 16th, 2007


I hope you enjoy the drawing :)

I beat Pac Man

Posted by MarkP0rter - August 23rd, 2007

Im currently working on a bunch of illustrations for albinoblacksheep so i thought i should do an illustration of myslf as well

Illustrations are fun