I'm currently working on my latest flash movie. In one scene I wanted to animate Tom Fulp and his wife April. I wanted to replace his wife with April O'Neil but then I cant find any good pictures of April O'Neil on the Internet and nobody would get the joke and just think it was a random girl or I suck at drawing his wife.
Anyways I've stumbled upon this page with TMNT comic book covers and they are all worth checking out http://www.thetechnodrome.com/comics/a rchie_specials/archie_specials.shtml
I can't stop laughing about how bad they are. It makes me wonder if comics back then just sucked in general. Couldn't they hire any good artists or why do those covers look so awful?
http://www.thetechnodrome.com/comics/a rchie_specials/tmnt_special_4.jpg
Looks just plain terrible for example but then I guess they hired the artist because he had a FRESH and WILD and CRAAAAAAAAAAAZY style...oh yeh those wacky days.
Just check out the covers if you need to have a good laugh
http://www.thetechnodrome.com/comics/a rchie_specials/tmnt_special_6.jpg
"Image was stolen from thetechnodrome."
slap me.