I really need a new computer. If you had the money to buy ANY PC what exactly would you get?
I was just drawing this really nice picture and was thinking to myself "oh I haven't saved this one yet. I better should before my PC crashes" - in this very moment my PC froze in and forced me to reboot it. DAMN!
What else is new?
I went to the hairdresser today and got a new haircut! This is a special event since it only happens once each season. I showed her a picture of Hideo Kojima on my PSP and said "This is my HAIR-HERO! I would love to get his haircut".
I'm also thinking about doing a new episode of Mark Porter's Point of View. I already wrote a script and recorded some samples. If you haven't seen Mark Porter's Point of View yet watch it on Youtube http://youtube.com/watch?v=rBRiXMF1W5Y or Newgrounds http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/
363609 http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/
Since journal posts without pictures are boring I give you some cat drawing I've done.
Nice cat. :3