MSN: Mark.P0rter AT hotmail.com

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MarkP0rter's News

Posted by MarkP0rter - August 2nd, 2007

Alright this person started a conversation with me just asking for my age. This is AIM so feel free to contact him/her (i dont even know but I ASSUME it's a girl):

Blackrose16661: how come you would never tell me how old you are
MarkP0rter: my mother told me i shouldnt tell any strangers
Blackrose16661: haha lol
Blackrose16661: comeone
Blackrose16661: come on*
MarkP0rter: nope thats what all the strangers will tell you as well
MarkP0rter: come on jump in my car
MarkP0rter: its alright
MarkP0rter: come on
MarkP0rter: come on
MarkP0rter: but it ISNT alright
Blackrose16661: haHA
MarkP0rter: lets talk about any other topic
Blackrose16661: wow your either old or younge
MarkP0rter: OH
MarkP0rter: rule of thumb
Blackrose16661: ?
MarkP0rter: i noticed people who ask for ASL
MarkP0rter: are fucking knobs
Blackrose16661: ok
Blackrose16661: i just wanted to know how old you are.
MarkP0rter: and tend to be REALLY stupid so thats why i dont give such information away
MarkP0rter: i dont hope that applies for you as well though
MarkP0rter: i know you wanted to do that but if i was you i would have already given up a while ago but its okay
Blackrose16661: omg what am i going to do with your age that is so scary
MarkP0rter: nothing at all
MarkP0rter: its more like a test
MarkP0rter: if you are impatient or mature enough to say
MarkP0rter: fuck it
MarkP0rter: so it doesnt really have to do with the age but with you
MarkP0rter: and overall age doesnt matter and never will
Blackrose16661: dude just forget it
Blackrose16661: you h ave something wrong in your head
MarkP0rter: lol :D
MarkP0rter: if you say so i guess its true but im certain its also true my age is the only topic you wanted to talk about which is a crying shame if age is your only concern
MarkP0rter: if somebody is alright age doesnt matter but i know people who are like I am ONLY 16 so i act like a retard- bollocks. you should be smart in such an age
MarkP0rter: but never mind :D
Blackrose16661: no i want to know your age because you are so fucked up in the head to reveal it
Blackrose16661: ok im 17
MarkP0rter: see like i said. if you were actually mature you would never behave like that but your frustration turns inot aggression since i didnt tell you my age
MarkP0rter: alright now that we have cleared that lets have a real conversation
MarkP0rter: https://www.zune-arts.net/
Blackrose16661: nope
MarkP0rter: so now the little baby is throwing a tantrum because it doesnt get what it wants?
MarkP0rter: oh poor baby
MarkP0rter: so much about the theory that you arent mature at all and will behave like a fucking knob since my age is your only concern. So I was right about you from the start. See you hadn't fooled me any second because you people are all the same. Don't you think it's a shame?
Blackrose16661: for one to seperate laters you dont use _ you fucking dumbass you use a '
MarkP0rter: pardon?
Blackrose16661: words like Dont are seperated with a ' as in Don't not a _ like you use for Don_t
MarkP0rter: I do not spell my words Don_t I spell them with a ' like Don't but in case you dont see the apostrophe but a dash but must be some AIM bug and not my fault at all
Blackrose16661: uh hyuh
MarkP0rter: Yet it is interesting that you decided to attack me now just because you didn't get your way. Do you think there is any benefit in attacking me? It doesn't make you look smart
MarkP0rter: If people wont give you what you want you have to accept that. You might think if you just behave like a bitch for long enough and cry some more you might get your candy- sure that might have worked in the past with your parents but wont get you far in your future life

*** "Blackrose16661" signed off


Posted by MarkP0rter - August 1st, 2007

There once was this gay person who added me to MSN and would talk to me. The first conversation we had was really hilarious. It ended with him saying "OH SHIT I HAVE TO GO MY BOYFRIEND IS CRYING".
All the time he had to tell me how GAY he is like this one:

Dallas: When I have sex, it's either me getting fucked in the ass, me giving head, or me jerking him off.
Dallas: I don't like other people touching my wang.
Dallas: I'm weird like that.
Mark: i dont want to know
Mark: lalala

Dallas: Sometimes, there's shit on his cock from fucking me in the ass
Mark: STFU
Dallas: HAHAHA

I think he finally blocked me- at least I hope he did:

Dallas: Do you realize how impossible you are?
Dallas: You're pathetic
Dallas: You're obnoxious
Dallas: If anyone's a smart ass it's you.
Mark: i might be but you are overreacting which is more entertaining
Dallas: Typical stubborn-European dickhead (<-sounds like racism to me)
Mark: you go totally nuts and insane over little things people have said on the internet
Dallas: I'm not going nuts or insane
Dallas: I just type faster
Mark: and you are calling ME pathetic?
Dallas: You are
Mark: i cant help it but laugh like hell

Dallas: Because you hide the pain
Dallas: with laughter
Mark: what pain?
Dallas: You seriously have this mindset that you know everything there is to know about America and Europe. You assume that, like many Americans, I know NOTHING about Europe.
Mark: im not suffering from any pain
Mark: but it seems like you are
Dallas: And you have no idea how annoying it is.
Mark: im not driving totally nuts
Mark: dude go to some anger managment
Mark: or suck some cocks or whatever you gay people love to do but calm down
Dallas: How can you tell I'm angry over the internet?
Dallas: Because I type fast?
Dallas: ?
Dallas: You're retarded.
*** "Dallas" signed off at
*** NOTE: This user is offline. Your messages will most likely *not* be received!

Queerer than you can suppose

Posted by MarkP0rter - July 29th, 2007

Posting chat logs is a lot of fun. This time I was so kind and changed her username so people can't message her.

MarkP0rter: so what are you up to
MarkP0rter: besides giggling
SomePerson: watching abc family
MarkP0rter: whats on
SomePerson: serbia the teennager witch
MarkP0rter: serbia is a country
SomePerson: .... it is?
SomePerson: where?
MarkP0rter: you have never heard of the country serbia?
MarkP0rter: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serbia
MarkP0rter: in other news she is called Sabrina
SomePerson: well it still a show on abc family know
SomePerson: can i huge u
MarkP0rter: like through the monitor?
SomePerson: *huges*
MarkP0rter: i didnt even say yes
SomePerson: = (

Posted by MarkP0rter - July 28th, 2007

so you might know that i talk to retards every day. i also get messages by people who are dumb fucks. im only wondering: why do people even bother to tell me they dont like me? they must be VERY lonely and bored. if you feel like spamming somebody on AIM (link her to goatse, tubgirl and so on) spam this girl:

lovelykittygirl4: Oh, I watched one of your videos or some shit!!
lovelykittygirl4: You're a total fag.
MarkP0rter: im the biggest fag ever
*** Error while sending IM: This user is currently not logged on

Posted by MarkP0rter - July 26th, 2007

i only talk to retards which is very annoying but it can also be fun. nearly every day some idiot will message me and it will be awful. i thought maybe its fun to collect those conversations so i will just paste some stuff here and maybe post more in the future. i wont save such crap on my hard drive because its simply a waste.

(#)(R)HEVA (L) DANNY (R)(#): y in shows like the simpsons do all english wear bowler hats and have bucked yellow teeth?
(#)(R)HEVA (L) DANNY (R)(#): it confuses me
(#)(R)HEVA (L) DANNY (R)(#): is it just stereotyping?
(#)(R)HEVA (L) DANNY (R)(#): cuz we don't u know
(#)(R)HEVA (L) DANNY (R)(#): we do drink ALOT of tea tho
(#)(R)HEVA (L) DANNY (R)(#): well i do
Mark: no of course it isn't just stereotyping. why do you think it is? if they make a cartoon like the simpsons the whole crew will fly to the UK and interview 50 locals
Mark: after they have gathered enough information they will create a character that resambles the common local the best
(#)(R)HEVA (L) DANNY (R)(#): oh ryt is that lyk in london?
Mark: could you please spell proper english for god's sake
(#)(R)HEVA (L) DANNY (R)(#): it's easier the way i do it
(#)(R)HEVA (L) DANNY (R)(#): less hassle
Mark: alseri thwsn i wld also atak lthe eaweys way
Mark: if sydou dont mifsd

(#)(R)HEVA (L) DANNY (R)(#): no i don't tlk lyk that i talk lyk how u wud send a txt msg
(#)(R)HEVA (L) DANNY (R)(#): see?
Mark: its still really annoying to read and i dont want to cope with it because its more a pain in the ass to read your gibberish than to type proper english
(#)(R)HEVA (L) DANNY (R)(#): it takes alot longer to write in proper english
(#)(R)HEVA (L) DANNY (R)(#): instead of like i use lyk and instead of time i use tym etc
(#)(R)HEVA (L) DANNY (R)(#): it's far from gibberish
Mark: instead of twat i use cunt

I only talk to retards