outstanding animation not so outstanding story
Only 138 reviews? This is kind of a shame to me. I honestly feel like telling you it was good work and you have to keep up the good work but mostly I don't write reviews because I don't know what to say. Just saying "cool", "great work" feels lame to me. You know you work your ass off and create something like that and just a plain "cool" doesn't justify for the hard work you've put into it- I don't know if that even makes any sense. I wasn't quite certain when writing it but I'm sure you get what I mean. So anyways this must have been a terrible pain in the ass to animate. BOY those characters movements are so fluid and smooth. Is it rotoscoped in any way? I also love the facial expressions of the character. Just lovely. I'm not quite sure if I get the story. Grumpy guy sitting on a bench being all grumpy and people guy comes around to cheer him up with success and the blue guy will "brighten up" and changes it's colour just like one of those mood rings or what? That's at least the way I see it. If you want me to be a little bitch I can tell you that the sizes of the characters change all the time and suddenly they are way smaller than the bench for no particular reason at all but that didn't bother me at all. I have to admit I'm incredible impressed there are actual cartoon/animation clubs in REAL LIFE. I thought all this would only be going on on the Interwebs. Sounds like a fun club and something that motivates you a lot to participate since real life feedback is always great than lame internet comments. If I was living there I would so go every time. So how long did you actually work on that animation? Would have taken me 3 month ha. So yeh I hope this review justifies.