
13 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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what stood out the most was the sound design. that was amazingly well done. whoever did this YOU DID AN AMAZING JOB. the first picture I've liked a lot. nice framing. i wish you would just put your animation into after effects or put the first scene into a movie clip and make it move up and down a tiny bit, you know like a "breathing camera" if you know what I mean. Also wish you would have used some shading on the characters like when the creature rips out guts it kinda annoyed me that there was no shading. anyways the music sets a great mood. I did NOT fully finish your movie (no time) so the 4 star rating might be unfair but i do not know how newgrounds rating sytem works. if I give you NO STARS because I just wanted to let you know how I feel about the sound design I am afraid it might ruin your overall score and I do not want to be a dick just because I personally didn't finish your work. You definitely seem to be on the right track. So just keep it up and keep creating stuff. I just thought: damn with some subtle touches it could look cooler like adding a vignette or something. So yeh this is just some personal advice you might take into consideration for the next time or you are like: fuck this guy- what does he even know. he didnt even finish it. cheers

AntonM responds:

Nah dude, you made some great points!

I was actually going to add that 'breathing camera' but this was my first time using an editing software with animation and it was Premiere. Halloween deadline was coming up fast so I couldn't really learn it in time.

I would love to try out some shading next time and more dramatic lighting too, I gotta learn all that stuff first though :Q

The sound design was done by me! I really enjoyed it too, I love horror game soundtracks and really wanted to try composing music in that genre!!

I hope you come back and finish the movie sometime heh

lovely work

well i really liked the story and idea behind this. ive to admit this actually made me think and that happens to be rare on here. i mostly come her for some random entertainment and don't expect something with some deep meaning while this got one. i like it. what exactly do they say at the end? in the cash? no that can't be right.

RiverJordan responds:

In La'Kesh. It means "I am another you". An alternate ending phrase to Namaste :)


this was so retarded and dumb i couldnt help it but laugh my ass off. seriously i see other stuff on the front page that is just OH LOOK WE ARE SCREAMING SCREAMING! THATS FUNNY! or people who completely RANDOM oh how hilarious or people who think they can win with GREAT ART and animation skills. but fuck them. lets be honest your drawings are just mediocre and so were your animations - probably even worse but whatever. a great movie doesnt need any of this as long as it's funny. so just do more movies like this and fuck style and skills. idea > skills and you sir made me laugh out loud. in fact im gonne rewatch it :)

baugusbryson responds:

I didn't expect people to like the animation too much, seeing as how this is only my second attempt at animating (see Bushkiller, for my first), and in terms of art style (which you say is mediocre, I only did the art like that so it would stay true to the art of the original comic. I don't normally draw like that.

but Im glad you liked it anyway!

epic shit - inspired me to write a novel for you:

as a german i feel insulted about hearing that song. i mean i dont know how aware mexicans are of maya the bee - i guess as a mexican you are just aware of the real maya, you know the temples and all that but maya the bee is one of the very few german cartoons i personally can think of. i mean boy what a cartoon it is. its from the 70s and its still on tv and people love it. that just goes to show how many cartoons there are in germany or how popular maya the bee is (well both actually). so yeh while i always come back to your animation to listen to the song and look at the killer animation it is NOTHING compared to the original GERMAN theme so here have a listen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hXLjL WD3Ac it was actually really hard for me to find because the freaking german intro is BANNED on german youtube because of copyright reasons oh lol those jerks. also i own a maya the bee shirt and i am proud enough to walk around with it. i remember how i saw a maya the bee doll in the usa and people werent even aware who she is. look at how im totally not talking about your animation but my life as a german haha no seriously the animation is great i love it. its a great example of leaving out frames gives you a great animation. seriously that stuff makes me think. like a n00b would draw it frame by frame every single frame and the arm going up and all that and the timing just wouldnt be right but you leave some frames out and it BAM the arm goes up and down and its realistic and its fast. great fluid motion. i bet you know what i mean.

but seriously man why the fuck laloh the bee? it doesnt sound anything like lalo. i think you were quite mental and insane when doing this- given the fact its a happy song and you bothered to write down the lyrics word by word and you are swinging a gun around... wtf man?

Lalo responds:

I love you

Great artistic stuff with nice creative ideas

alright alright i am really annoyed by this but then we all know newgrounds is kinda stupid. 4 replies only? COME ON PEOPLE THIS IS AWESOME!
I wish I would have found it earlier because then I would have submitted it to Nudegrounds Treasure Cunt but oh well I just found it when I saw one of your drawings on the front page. Epic work on that one - shame you can NOT favourite ART on Jewgrounds but then like I've said it's run by idiots so that explains why there isn't an "add to favourites" button for drawings.

anyways impressive work for your first flash cartoon. it shows a lot of wicked ideas. I love the line strokes in it, how fluent and smooth it is and how subtitle the colours are. The great and soft ammounts of white and light colours are great eye candy. I suck at writing reviews but at least I made it way longer with a pointless rant about stuff just so it will look like a big review which this movie deserves lol

oh BY THE WAY this really motivates me to touch up flash again and PLEASE feel motivated and make more animation. I would just love to see more of your stuff. Also great work on your own music.

datamouth responds:

"Nudegrounds Treasure Cunt " <===== awesome.

thanx MarkPorter! this is probably the best review i've read on any of the things i posted! dude i totally love animating, it's just kinda time consuming. or i must suck at the process. but i'm working on a new one, which will be like a full on music vid for one of my songs. hopefully i will finish it before i die.

anyways, thanks for the review and all the kind words man. one of the reasons i joined this site was to find inspiration but more importantly motivation. which you have totally given me in this review.

so fuck yeah man get back into flash! make whatever. just make stuff! thats what i tell myself everyday. you shold make a game where Sonic kills Dracula. do it bro.

anyways again, your stuff rocks. he 2006 year review is AWERGHSHUMMM.

thanks again man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

best shading ever

the most important thing at the beginning: im quite sure you will be a winner for the christmas competition- thats for certain.

"Alot of time went into this one." I think everybody can tell when watching this movie and I tell you what: It was worth all your time. This movie was pure eye candy. That shading is really outstanding and I'm wondering if you do pixel art. It looks like the shading I'm used to see on very good pixel sprites. It was colourful and nice to look at so graphics wise this movie is outstanding. The voices could have been better but that's mostly because the microphones you've used weren't that good and fuck it. You are an artist and animator so I can't anybody expect to have super expensive microphones. I could hear that the voices are hilarious and Darnel's voice just made me laugh so much. Thanks a lot for taking the time and adding the subtitles because even though the audio wasn't the best it wasn't a problem at all anymore because you've added those subtitles. I still don't know what Kwanza is all about but that doesn't matter because I got highly entertained by your animation. The title fooled me though. He doesn't save Kwanza at all lol. I hope there will be a sequel in 2009. Good work!

Gonzossm responds:

Thanks alot for this review. Yes i used to do pixel art. I spent everyday working on this animation literally full days. Yea I had trouble finding voice actors but im satisfied with how the end result was. There will definetly be a sequel thats why I kept the snowman alive ;)

awesome short fitting to the beat

this is a WONDERFUL flash animation. i have to admit first i didnt want to write a review for this because i didnt know what to say besides "GREAT JOB" and just writing 2 words as a "review" is just so lame and makes me feel VERY BAD considering the amount of time it has taken you to create this song and the animation but when i saw the review under mine- the guy who gave this movie just a 2- i couldnt resist anymore. how can you be just so ignorant and give such a great piece of work just a 2? you deserve a kick in your balls if you give this movie a 2. to be honest i can see why people probably dont like it- why they dont like the song but this movie has got some wonderful frame by frame animation- its mostly frame by frame- i think the only tween i saw was the punching arm tween - and we all know that frame by frame animations are a HORRIBLE PAIN IN THE ASS so the amount of time and effort you have put into this just shows and it was all so worth it. ive enjoyed every single frame of it. you use colours really great and its nice to see how the colours change to the beat and set the right mood. your characters are unquie and outstanding and just lovely. they have got big noses and everybody who knows me knows im a sucker for wacky cartoon noses. the timing in this movie was just awesome and shows some great animation knowledge. i mean first its all very fluid and frame frame frame fame and then when he is getting the bills its like frame - stop stop stop - next frame - stop stop. if you know what i mean thus creating a wonderful rhythm and then it jumps to being fluid again so this jump/switching between fluid and a bit cut off is very cool. i also love how he is floating through the door. nice work and keep it up!

Nogfish responds:

thank man, that is one awesome review, I'm glad you liked it so much.

nice work

pretty lovely movie. keep up the good work, i was entertained by it and i thought the animations and story are sweet. imquite sure this will get daily top 1- i think even front page and you deserve it :) ive to admit the scene were santa is talking to the boy. the whole moving around the camera deal...i know it was supposed to look cool and i know its a pain in the ass to do but i suggest dont do it the next time. it looked a bit blah and not as awesome as it should have looked, also...if i keep on being a little bitch i think the audio could have been a bit better in some cases. i dont expect anybody to have great mics and stuff. in the end we are just animators but sometimes santa was too silent or just hard to understand which is not the fault of the mic. anyways keep up the good work. just pointing out some things for the next time :)

SimonG responds:

Alright, thanks!

Wonderful short you should check out!

This was one of the funniest Christmas cartoons I have ever seen. I don't want to spoil anything with my review for people who haven't see it but DAMN Santa biting that one little girl was so random and I just didn't expect it and it just made me laugh so badly. I don't even think I spoil anything with giving away this information. I've seen this flash so many times by now already because it just cracks me up and the angry Santa biting that little girl makes me laugh every time I see it. Overall this flash has got a great comedy value. The hilarious animations aren't the only thing why this flash is so funny. This flash also features some outstanding and great voice actors who are so damn skilled and just know what they are doing. Their great voice work puts a lot of life in those animated characters and it just works- great voice acting combined with lovely animations. It's also outstanding Santa is playing a song on the guitar. Somebody played a guitar song for this flash so thumbs up to the guitar player as well. Wonderful short you should check out!

Lalo responds:

If i could have a "favourite reviews" list i'd totally put this one at the top 8D thanks man!

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