
43 Movie Reviews

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i hate the fact that i cant think of anything

really deep and clever to say besides this was pretty hilarious. i mean what can you say about a funny skit besides the fact that it made you laugh?
really clever idea, i like the style, like the little details like the fact the dude is changing his cloth and the stripper also got different cloth, like the fact the kid got some pretty weird foreign accent, love the guitar samples (i think you played those yourself) to cut to different days. overall an amusing piece of work.


i think this is pretty hilarious and a great idea for a cartoon. overall im impressed you got it done that quickly. its always hard to get something done in time when someone dies so its great a lot of people worked on this to get it done as quickly as possible. it was certainly worth the effort. i am glad tom fulp put this on the front page. he has a wonderful sense of humour and he doesn't care for the score a movie got. with its score of 2.70 (WHY DO YOU RATE IT THAT LOW PEOPLE?!) I would have nearly overlooked it if funny fulp hadn't put it on the front page.
my stomach is still aching because this was so funny. deserves a higher score.
i am wondering how you managed to give this such a small file size. only 3.3 mb for such a detailed animation? i would really love to know the compression magic you guys use to get it that small.

wtf is this shit just ONE review

seriously whats it with people on NG and their lazy attitude of not leaving comments? thats really shit given the fact 2,290 people watched this and just ONE person bothered to write a review? thats super lame.
anyways i really loled about it. liked the art style and the story and the facial expression. this was SHORT And loly and i came here because i saw your other animations which are funny as fuck as well. just do more stuff. no one needs long big ass animations as long as they are hilarious short ones are great :)

good work

i really enjoyed it. it was cute, the art style was nice and i was quite entertained by it. also great work if you just started using flash. keep up the good work :))

dude you crack me up

all of your animations are incredibly hilarious and i love the simple yet very smoothly and well animated style. just wonderful work.

I love this

wonderful work. that's all there is to say really.


this was so retarded and dumb i couldnt help it but laugh my ass off. seriously i see other stuff on the front page that is just OH LOOK WE ARE SCREAMING SCREAMING! THATS FUNNY! or people who completely RANDOM oh how hilarious or people who think they can win with GREAT ART and animation skills. but fuck them. lets be honest your drawings are just mediocre and so were your animations - probably even worse but whatever. a great movie doesnt need any of this as long as it's funny. so just do more movies like this and fuck style and skills. idea > skills and you sir made me laugh out loud. in fact im gonne rewatch it :)

baugusbryson responds:

I didn't expect people to like the animation too much, seeing as how this is only my second attempt at animating (see Bushkiller, for my first), and in terms of art style (which you say is mediocre, I only did the art like that so it would stay true to the art of the original comic. I don't normally draw like that.

but Im glad you liked it anyway!

great work as usual

to be honest i am really disappointed reading all those comments about people bashing it and not really liking it. it is a shame and i kind of feel like it isn't salad fingers fault but people's fault. of course i could be completely wrong but every time they bring an old show back to tv or turn it into a movie or just try to vitalize something old that hadn't been updated for ages people will complain about it. it doesnt even matter how good it is. it's just new and not what people had on mind. they remember the old episodes and love them. it's a very nostalgic thing. so if something new comes along a lot of people will get defensive. i feel this is exactly what is going on here.

maybe its also because people are missing boards of canada and the other music you have used in the past. if you wouldnt have used BOC in your old animations i probably would have never found out about one of my favourite bands so thanks a lot for this. i understand your decision for not using copyright protected music since this thing is sponsored by newgrounds aka you get money for it and you can call this baby completely yours. you can put it on youtube or wherever you want to without the ban hammer hitting you. i think your music guy did a good job.

i also think the improved animations are good. i am wondering if you used the kinematics / bones tool of cs5 for the wheel chair scene. the text falling down was also very smooth and sexy. i mean HELL you have studied animation and finally graduated so of course it shows. you started salad fingers when you just started to study animation or even BEFORE so why should it still look the same, eh?

i think you should be proud of what you have accomplished even tough i personally prefer your comedy works. thank you mr brooker for paying mr firth to do animations for screenwipe. i really HOPE after a new salad fingers episode there will be a new burnt face man episode. that would just kick ass.
keep up the good work man


i just had to laugh so badly about this- i was seriously laughing about loud every seconds and i was like OH shit its 4am i better be quite but this was just too good to be quite. genius work. sums up newgrounds very very well.

epic shit - inspired me to write a novel for you:

as a german i feel insulted about hearing that song. i mean i dont know how aware mexicans are of maya the bee - i guess as a mexican you are just aware of the real maya, you know the temples and all that but maya the bee is one of the very few german cartoons i personally can think of. i mean boy what a cartoon it is. its from the 70s and its still on tv and people love it. that just goes to show how many cartoons there are in germany or how popular maya the bee is (well both actually). so yeh while i always come back to your animation to listen to the song and look at the killer animation it is NOTHING compared to the original GERMAN theme so here have a listen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hXLjL WD3Ac it was actually really hard for me to find because the freaking german intro is BANNED on german youtube because of copyright reasons oh lol those jerks. also i own a maya the bee shirt and i am proud enough to walk around with it. i remember how i saw a maya the bee doll in the usa and people werent even aware who she is. look at how im totally not talking about your animation but my life as a german haha no seriously the animation is great i love it. its a great example of leaving out frames gives you a great animation. seriously that stuff makes me think. like a n00b would draw it frame by frame every single frame and the arm going up and all that and the timing just wouldnt be right but you leave some frames out and it BAM the arm goes up and down and its realistic and its fast. great fluid motion. i bet you know what i mean.

but seriously man why the fuck laloh the bee? it doesnt sound anything like lalo. i think you were quite mental and insane when doing this- given the fact its a happy song and you bothered to write down the lyrics word by word and you are swinging a gun around... wtf man?

Lalo responds:

I love you

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