MSN: Mark.P0rter AT hotmail.com

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where is chris handsome when you need him

Posted by MarkP0rter - August 28th, 2009

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: hey
You: hey
You: 14/f/cali
Stranger: nice how old?
Stranger: oh my bad haha
You: its okay ^^
You: u
Stranger: 16/m/mass
You: kewl
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: are you a virgin?
You: no
Stranger: oh i see
You: haha yeh
You: had sex with my bf
You: 3 month ago
You: broke up :C
Stranger: oh nice
Stranger: not the break up obviously
Stranger: how big are you tits?
You: hehe
You: my friends joke about them :C
You: they are C already
Stranger: thats not a bad thing
You: yeh but you know im the only girl in class with that size
You: so it feels odd
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: do you ever cyber?
You: ^^
Stranger: is that a yes haha
You: ;) im wearing a red skirt
Stranger: mmm anything under
You: tight black thong
You: u?
Stranger: you have a pic?
Stranger: im wearing a tight white tee and boxers
You: let me find a pic ^^
Stranger: ok
You: http://www.goatse.fr/
Stranger: thats fucked up ive seen that
You: its still hot though
You: i like men with big dicks
Stranger: really
You: of course
Stranger: do you like phone sex?
You: yes
You: like
You: i got this cute pink motorola
You: and when im all home alone
You: i set it to vibrate
You: and put it into my panties
Stranger: nice
You: its so hot
You: but lol
You: one time i was really getting it on
You: and my mother called and i picked up :S
You: she heard me scream O_O
Stranger: how about i call and you moan to me
You: yes
Stranger: what is the number
You: hold on
You: im getting my phone
You: and closing my door
You: so nobody will hear ^^
Stranger: thats like a fuckin government number
Stranger: is that ur number?
You: We must inform you that this conversation has been monitored and the history of this conversation has been saved to our data base. We also recorded your IP address. Be aware that talking to minors about sexual content is against the law and you will get contacted about this matter in the near future. You may get a lawyer and save this conversation.
Stranger: good one
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


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