MSN: Mark.P0rter AT hotmail.com

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Posted by MarkP0rter - January 13th, 2009

So I used to have this voice actor on my contact list who hasn't talked to me since I've posted "Married to a Fish". He would just not reply to me on MSN/AIM/e-mail until now. You can scroll down to the "THIS IS WHERE THE FUN STARTS" part if you want to skip the rest.

[21:44] Scott: And I hate to say it, but some of your stuff isn't that funny. I watched your christmas thing.... didn't even laugh once. Sorry
[21:45] Salmonella Men on Planet Porno (me): no need to be sorry for that one
[21:45] Salmonella Men on Planet Porno: because its simply a matter of taste which is alright
[21:46] Salmonella Men on Planet Porno: i know a lot of people who hate the shows i love and i hate a lot of shows other people love
[21:46] Salmonella Men on Planet Porno: and thats just normal and alright :)
[21:46] Salmonella Men on Planet Porno: but just because you dislike my animations doesnt mean youve to dislike me
[21:49] Salmonella Men on Planet Porno: or is it like that?

Boring shit you can ignore:

[21:49] Salmonella Men on Planet Porno: there is no harm done in telling me. just be open and tell me whats the matter and then its cool. we could have done that way earlier already. ive always liked you so of course ive shared all my stuff with you because you are a cool guy
[21:53] Salmonella Men on Planet Porno: im just saying the way it is. ive always liked you and considered you to be a friend so ive told you all the stuff but if you dont have the guts to talk about anything and if you hate me so badly
[21:53] Salmonella Men on Planet Porno: just because of the stuff i create alright. its like blaming a hitler actor for playing hitler
[21:53] Salmonella Men on Planet Porno: i guess ive had the wrong impression about you which is sad but life
[22:41] Salmonella Men on Planet Porno: well ive tried my best and if thats your decission i had a wrong image of you
[22:41] Salmonella Men on Planet Porno: i should learn to not easily trust people on the internet but it you seemed really cool

Keep on reading here (THIS IS WHERE THE FUN STARTS):

[22:42] Scott: It's not all my decision, dude
[22:42] Salmonella Men on Planet Porno: how so?
[22:43] Scott: My agent wants me to slow the free stuff I do, and if I have to, get their permission on projects. They demand quality in every aspect of projects
[22:44] Salmonella Men on Planet Porno: but what does that have to do with not being my friend?
[22:45] Scott: I figured it'd be best. I hate having to let go slowly, so I made a decision, and stuck with it. Granted, it's not the best, but I am trying to eliminate my hesitations.
[22:47] Salmonella Men on Planet Porno: hm i really dont know what this all has to do with your agent. its not about doing free voice acting work for my shit animations which arent funny
[22:47] Salmonella Men on Planet Porno: but just about being an internet mate
[22:48] Scott: Like I said, it may not have been the best choice, but it was a choice nonetheless. You were cool, but it seemed to slip each time we chatted. Hell, you did, if my memory serves right, some pretty lame things. Men would laugh at you, man
[22:49] Salmonella Men on Planet Porno: lame things?
[22:49] Scott: As far as friends and relationships
[22:49] Scott: Chickened out on a lot of things, a real introvert
[22:50] Salmonella Men on Planet Porno: in a nutshell its best to not talk to me because im a loser and bring you down?
[22:51] Scott: As I've read in the manual they gave me, "if I wish to be successful, make sure your friends good, your family is good, and no weirdness. Paparazzi love digging up dirt on people, especially on successful people"
[22:53] Salmonella Men on Planet Porno: Congratulations on joining Scientology
[22:53] Scott: That's not even funny
[22:53] Scott: I HATE Scientology with a burning passion
[22:53] Salmonella Men on Planet Porno: Well Ive laughed a lot about it
[22:54] Scott: If other things weren't the final straw, that definitely was
[22:56] Scott: Ugh, I'm so mad right now!
[22:59] Scott: I'd've thought you were better than that

[23:01] *** "Scott" signed off at Tue Jan 13 23:01:16 2009.


You were standing in the way of his SUCCESS! How could you do that?!